Janet Fairweather

Bishop Osmund: A Missionary to Sweden in the Late Viking Age

120 kr

Bishop Osmund, court-bishop to Edmund the Old, king of Sweden, in the mid-eleventh century, was probably born in England and certainly ended his life there as a monk of Ely, having previously spent time at the court of Edward the Confessor.

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Dr Janet Fairweather.

Nr 71. ISBN 978-91-86681-18-0.
Bishop Osmund, court-bishop to Edmund the Old, king of Sweden, in the mid-eleventh century, was probably born in England and certainly ended his life there as a monk of Ely, having previously spent time at the court of Edward the Confessor.

The author, Dr Janet Fairweather, is a Latinist from the Faculty of Classics, Cambridge University. This attempt to set Osmund's career as a Christian missionary in context has involved a radical reassessment of the evidence, written and material, for the political and religious history of late Viking Age Scandinavia.

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